Hi, my name is Al Borchers & I currently reside in the beautiful state of Colorado.
Thank You for stopping by!
I know this isn’t a fancy-schmancy web page, that was on purpose. Just wanted to keep it simple and easy on the eyes. I’ll mostly be sharing articles and stuff that I find informative and/or interesting. Some of the articles are professionally written, and I obtained/purchased PLR rights to publish them, and some little ole me wrote.
You know what has been said about the brain being a muscle, it needs to be exercised. What I won’t be sharing is nonsensical adverts and such, I may however share some tips about foods I like, science, space, movies, music, sci-fi etc.
With that being said, hope you enjoy the posts, and feel free to leave comments where the post allows, and please keep it clean and no advertisements or recruiting – Okay?
Warm Regards,
Al Borchers
Let’s connect!
My Personal FB Page
Currently, am retired, but I still build Mobile Websites and WordPress Websites,
and just trying to stay busy as well as earn some extra income.